The Guardian Post Newspaper Head Office Sensitisation with Journalism Interns
The Guardian Post Newspaper Head Office Sensitisation with Journalism Interns Lire la suite »
#defyhatenow/Civic Watch and ActivSpaces are currently training youths of Peace Watches NGO and IDPs of Bonaberi on technology. How to use technology to build peace in their communities and reduce Violence, hate speech and crimes Le #RepairCafé est un atelier dont le but est d’inculquer aux jeunes les notions de bases sur la réparation des
ActivSpaces Weekly vibes: ASKOTEC RepairCafé in Bonabéri Lire la suite »
Le 29 Juillet dernier, avec un panel composé d’influenceurs, académiciens, professionnels, blogueurs et bien d’autres, nous avons organisé la 1er édition du #NCED2022 avec notre partenaire @DefyhatenowWCA. Merci à @canal2inter et @HaussinJunior pour la couverture médiatique. — Influence_au_mboa (@NCED2022) August 6, 2022
Bonabéri #Act4Peace Big pleasure to visit @PeaceWatchNgo and the IDP community this morning in Bonaberi Rail. Fiew equipment but amazing energy to produce fabulous movies conduct great activities and trainings. Looking forwards to organize together a #RepairCafé in Douala4. Listen more here;
ActivSpaces Weekly vibes: Visit to Peace Watch NGO at Bonaberi Rail – Douala Lire la suite »
Les 28 et 29 juillet 2022 s’est tenue la première édition du National Celebrity Endorsement Day. Une initiation de l’influence au Mboa de Moréas Garvey. C’était sous le haut parrainage du Ministère des arts et de la culture (Minac), du Ministère de la jeunesse et de l’éducation civique (Minjec) et l’accompagnement de Defyhatenow, une institution de lutte
Tamtam du Mboa online: National Celebrity Endorsement Day 1ère édition, le résumé Lire la suite »
The updated field manual by Defyhatenow is being presented to stakeholders in Yaounde from July 22-23, 2022. “The objective of “Field Guide on Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation in Cameroon” is to help community leaders, civil society organisations and people working on the ground to understand and define hate speech concepts, and plan and organise
Cameroon Tribune online: Social Media Hate Speech Mitigation Handbook Lire la suite »
Featured on Cameroon Tribune, Written by Kimeng Hilton, Read here: A two-day conference by Defyhatenow ended in Yaounde on July 15, 2022. The wrong use of Internet-based technology like the social media poses great risks to social cohesion and harmony. With the deliberate or inadvertent spread of hate speech and violent content promoting and
Cameroon Tribune: Enhancing Peace Through Appropriate Technology Use Lire la suite »