#defyhatenow Media Mentions

Interim Report Jan: Mimi Mefo Info From Xenophobe to advocate? Chief Moja Moja’s surprising stand against Buea’s hate speech

From Xenophobe to advocate? Chief Moja Moja’s surprising stand against Buea’s hate speech

Reading Time: 3 mins read

Buea’s notorious hate speech figure, Chief Ewome Eko John, better known as Chief Moja Moja, has thrown his weight behind a campaign to eradicate the very issue he’s been accused of fueling.

The traditional ruler of Bwasa village surprised residents and campaigners alike by actively participating in the launch of “Taxi Tales, No To Hate,” a mobile caravan initiative spearheaded by defyhatenow, Civic Watch Cameroon, and Buea’s MP, Honorable Malomba Esembe.

The campaign aims to enlist taxi drivers as ambassadors for peace and unity, tackling hate speech at its roots.


Moja Moja’s past is checkered with social media videos promoting harmful rhetoric and inciting violence. His presence at the launch, chanting the campaign’s “#NaWeWe” (We Are One) slogan alongside organizers and residents, sparked a wave of mixed reactions.

“I was so happy seeing Chief Moja Moja in the caravan,” shared Helen, a Buea resident. “Let him take the message too, and act by example.” Another resident echoed the sentiment, calling it “a positive step to see someone known for spreading hate now actively fighting against it. Buea will indeed be a town of legendary hospitality.”

The campaign culminated in a pledge at the Buea Divisional Officer’s office, with Moja Moja joining participants in committing to a hate-free Cameroon. Ngala Desmond, defyhatenow’s country project manager, urged taxi drivers to become “ambassadors for love and unity” in their communities. MP Esembe, praising the turnout, emphasized the importance of seeing each other as “brothers and sisters, regardless of background.”


Moja Moja’s participation injects a complex twist into the fight against hate speech in Buea. Whether this marks a genuine shift in Moja Moja’s stance or a strategic move remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: his statements should be taken with a pinch of salt, as his involvement has ignited a crucial conversation about accountability, rehabilitation, and the power of collective action in silencing hate’s echo chambers.


Moja Moja, who is also a member of the Cameroon Elite force (the BIR) has publicly executed civilians, under the guise of fighting against Separatists who have been advocating for an independent state called Ambazonia in Cameroon’s English-speaking regions.


In some instances, he was caught on camera, calling for non-indegenes to leaves Buea, particularly those from the restive North West Region of the country.


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